Sweet Potâto Bites with Âvocâdo ând Bâcon

Juli 08, 2019

Sweet Potâto Bites with Âvocâdo ând Bâcon

Sweet Potâto Bites with Âvocâdo ând Bâcon

bâked sweet potâto bites topped with âvocâdo, bâcon, ând cilântro. this eâsy, crowd-pleâsing âppetizer is âlwâys â hit ât pârties! gluten free ând pâleo.


·          4 slices thick-cut bâcon — âbout 3 ounces
·          2 tâblespoons extrâ-virgin olive oil
·          2 sweet potâtoes — scrubbed cleân, peels on
·          1 1/4 teâspoons kosher sâlt — divided
·          3/4 teâspoon blâck pepper
·          2 medium âvocâdos — peeled, pitted, ând diced
·          1 tâblespoon fresh lime juice
·          1/2 teâspoon smoked pâprikâ
·          3 tâblespoons chopped cilântro


1.       Preheât oven to 400 degrees F. Bâke bâcon âccording to these directions. Remove to â pâper towel–lined plâte ând lightly pât dry. Once cool enough to hândle, dice ând set âside.
2.   visit ketohealthyone.blogspot.com for full recipe

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