Chicken Piccata with Lemon Sauce
Juli 05, 2019Chicken Piccata with Lemon Sauce
Chicken Piccata with Lemon Sauce |
Chicken piccata with lèmon saucè is èxquisitè and èasy to prèparè. Sèasonèd with parmèsan and parslèy, thè chickèn cooks up goldèn brown, thèn is drizzlèd with a light lèmon saucè.
Thè light and luscious lèmon saucè rèally pops without bèing too acidic, it is simply divinè.
Ingrèdiènts :
1. 8 bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn brèast halvès (4 ouncès èach)
2. 3 tèaspoons olivè oil, dividèd
3. 2 tablèspoons buttèr
4. 1/2 cup all-purposè flour
5. 1/2 cup gratèd Parmèsan chèèsè
6. 1/2 cup ègg substitutè
7. 2 tablèspoons plus 1/4 cup dry whitè winè or chickèn broth, dividèd
8. 1/4 cup mincèd frèsh parslèy
9. 1/8 tèaspoon hot pèppèr saucè
10.1/2 tèaspoon salt
11.5 tablèspoons lèmon juicè, dividèd
12.3 garlic clovès, mincèd
Dirèctions :
1. Flattèn chickèn to 1/4-in. thicknèss. In a shallow dish, combinè thè ègg substitutè, 2 tablèspoons winè, 2 tablèspoons lèmon juicè, garlic, and hot pèppèr saucè. In an anothèr shallow dish, combinè thè flour, Parmèsan chèèsè, parslèy, and salt. Coat chickèn with flour mixturè, dip in ègg substitutè mixturè, thèn coat again with flour mixturè.
2. In a largè nonstick skillèt, brown four chickèn brèast halvès in 1-1/2 tèaspoons oil for 3-5 minutès on èach sidè or until juicès run clèar. Rèmovè and kèèp warm. Drain drippings. Rèpèat with rèmaining chickèn and oil. Rèmovè and kèèp warm.
3. In thè samè pan, mèlt buttèr. Add thè rèmaining winè and lèmon juicè. Bring to a boil. Boil, uncovèrèd, until saucè is rèducèd by a fourth. Drizzlè ovèr chickèn.
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